Latest news

The UAR presented its new identity, designed by Grupo Berro. → The Argentine Rugby Union (UAR) presents its new symbol, which features an exclusive typographic design and separates itself from the figure of the Puma.

Disney Park's Famous Dole Whip Is Coming to Grocery Stores → Dole launches the new design for Dole Whip, the iconic Disney Park ice cream, designed by Grupo Berro

Our design for Dole® is out in United States → Dole releases new Boosted Blends Berry Spark Smoothie, designed by Grupo Berro

Anís del Mono winner of the IWSC price as the best "Limited Edition" design → The International Wine & Spirit Competition (IWSC) honoured our structural design for Anis del Mono 150 Anniversary, as winner of the best design in the "Limited Edition" category.

Nueva identidad para River → River estrena nueva escudo, diseñado por Grupo Berro