The UAR presented its new identity, designed by Grupo Berro. → The Argentine Rugby Union (UAR) presents its new symbol, which features an exclusive typographic design and separates itself from the figure of the Puma.

In a launch held at Casa Pumas, Gabriel Travaglini, president of the UAR, referred to the renewal of the image: "We began to see that our logo had already aged, we had to modernize ourselves. Many Unions in the world have done it. We had to update the logo and we decided to put this together. We are very confident in this work and in this representation," he said about it.
In the renewal, the goal was to separate the institution in its role as such from the identification of the teams. In this way, the UAR will have an exclusive logo, while Los Pumas will also have their own emblem (which will be on the left side of the jersey, accompanied by the UAR logo on the right).
Travaglini detailed in a letter released by the UAR the renewal process, stating that "in recent times, the UAR has grown in several aspects, in addition to the game, with new platforms, teams, development, communication, among others."

"For all these reasons, in our image we produced a change of identity, where we defined a corporate logo to be used by all members of the Union."
"Having defined this, the next step led us to return to our origins, where the emblem that identifies us since the historic 1965 tour was used only by our national senior team, so that the Puma would be used only by Los Pumas," he said in the letter published by the UAR.
Later on, the head of the institution added that "the opportunity to reorder" the logos "was a process initiated with the development of identity" of the women's team, Las Yaguaretés.