- Cliente Valle del Medio
- Servicio Branding & Identity. Packaging design.
- Año 2019
Diego Lerner requested Gonzalo Berro to analyze the design of the Masseube product line. At that time the design was a later version of one that had been designed at Grupo Berro several years before. The logo and various features of the previous label had been changed. In our opinion, the product was losing legibility at the shelf and therefore the packaging was being detrimental to the brand.
When explaining the strategic foundations of the design which was finally chosen –first, a clear reading of the brand, easily perceived (visibility); second, the description of the product – “Patagonian jam” with an excellent level of reading; and then the flavors and details of each product, in a design that combined the brand in white, applied on the glass of the pack, “adhering” to the product preserved inside and a white stripe with the flavor indicated in handwritten typography, to convey the idea of home-made, and not industrial, and ensure the correct reading of its components –, Diego asked: “When can I have all this printed?”
We sorted out the printing details and quickly had the labels presented to a print shop, ready for production.
Regarding Patagonian jams, Masseube is undoubtedly one of the brands with the highest brand awareness on the market, and this new design helps ensure that it remains one of the top two benchmarks for quality in the entire category.
When explaining the strategic foundations of the design which was finally chosen –first, a clear reading of the brand, easily perceived (visibility); second, the description of the product – “Patagonian jam” with an excellent level of reading; and then the flavors and details of each product, in a design that combined the brand in white, applied on the glass of the pack, “adhering” to the product preserved inside and a white stripe with the flavor indicated in handwritten typography, to convey the idea of home-made, and not industrial, and ensure the correct reading of its components –, Diego asked: “When can I have all this printed?”
We sorted out the printing details and quickly had the labels presented to a print shop, ready for production.
Regarding Patagonian jams, Masseube is undoubtedly one of the brands with the highest brand awareness on the market, and this new design helps ensure that it remains one of the top two benchmarks for quality in the entire category.