- Cliente Osborne
- Servicio Branding & Identity. Packaging design.
- Año 2015
Spain, 1922. The first Veterano brandy bottle reaches the market, offering the promise of the authentic Spanish taste for the category. Today, almost a century later, Veterano ranks as the second most important turnover brand for Osborne, one of the world's leading spirits and beverages companies.
The challenge
Renew an almost centennial brand to captivate, through this new design, the interest of consumers exposed to a wide variety of different proposals within the category.
The opportunity
Our opportunity laid in reaching a meaningful brand restyling, with an innovative presentation for new consumers, especially those from the German market.
In order to achieve this, we worked on redesigning the logo, we developed a new bottle and a new label, always caring for the brand's “core” values: its name, its colours and the iconic image of the bull, Osborne´s trademark and one of Spain's most representative symbols.
Once the packaging was defined, we proposed an image for the launching print ad which presented a warm sunset at a typically Spanish landscape, with olive trees spread in rows, a soft hillside at the back, providing a sense of perspective to the whole composition. Two main characters stood out in the image: the Osborne bull and Veterano´s new bottle, signed below by the phrase "Taste the Spanish authenticity". Diego Berro shot the photography.
The result
Seeing the “before and after” Veterano bottle, you may appreciate how each element that stood strong for the brand still stands out in the new design, in a much more innovative way, aligned with the worldwide trend in spirit beverages, and introducing, at the same time, a fresh, yet contemporary brand.